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A cool break: Fun times at Falls

InLife client Tom experienced snow for the first time at a weekend camp at Falls Creek with his mum Bianca and support worker Megan.

You don’t expect to be whooshing down the slopes reaching speeds of almost 50km/h on your first trip to the snow.

But 16-year-old Tom was happy to push the boundaries when he headed to Falls Creek in Victoria’s Alpine National Park for a snow camp with Kids+ this month.

His mum Bianca and InLife support worker Megan accompanied Tom for the weekend where he took part in Sit Skiing - an adaptive form of skiing in a seated position within a modified, padded seat (a 'bucket') that is fixed to either one or two skis.

“He loved it! He’s very confident now and he got to socialise and meet other kids,” Bianca said.

Tom racked up more than 70 kilometres of downhill skiing across two days with support from members of Disabled Wintersport Australia.

“The Sit-ski went on the lift and would just ski off - Tom went on green and blue runs” Bianca said.

“The community up on the mountain was very inclusive.”

And the fun continued back at the lodge where a group of participants, support workers and families caught up together at the end of the day.

“It was great having meals with everyone, it was like school camp,” Bianca said.

“It was such a good experience to make friends with other kids with cerebral palsy and their families.”

The YMCA camp included transport, meals and equipment for the slopes. And the lodge was equipped with a Changing Places bathroom and hoist.

Tom’s InLife Coordinator Alexis Booth from the Geelong team said she loved helping organise trips and weekends away.

“The client gets to step outside their comfort zone and enjoy new experiences,” she said.

“It also opens up so many opportunities.”

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