Anj is a renowned domestic violence advocate and OAM who lives life on her own terms.
InLife client Angela (Anj) Barker is an OAM and renowned domestic violence advocate.
As a teenager she suffered life-threatening injuries at the hands of an ex-boyfriend.
She has used her voice to speak out and educate others about domestic violence.
A video about her story titled Loves Me Loves Me Not featured in a Federal Government campaign to educate young people about violence against women.
Today, Anj lives in the inner city and is proud to live life on her own terms.
She loves going to the gym, catching up for a cuppa and getting out and about.
"I'm a very active and social woman and I love my coffee," she said.
"The way in which InLife is different from other agencies is that they actually work for us."
Anj said having a support service and team that listens is crucial.
"I tell them (what I want) and they make it happen," she said.
Anj has also been an advocate for the Summer Foundation and has spoken out about the importance of getting young people out of nursing homes.
"I just figure that I've been strong enough to survive, I'm obviously here for a good reason and I need to pull my weight and help people," she said.