NDIS Review: Calling for change
InLife’s submission to the NDIS Review includes four key areas for reform to ensure a stronger and sustainable future.
As a not-for-profit disability support provider we welcome the NDIS review as an opportunity for the scheme to reset and recalibrate.
The goal is to put people with disability back at the centre of the NDIS, something we endorse.
InLife is calling for the government to take action and:
1. Strengthen the work of the NDIS Quality and Safeguarding Commission.
2. Support participant decision making.
3. Enforce the separation of Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) and Supported Independent Living (SIL).
4. Implement differential pricing for registered and unregistered providers.
InLife CEO David Clarke said when it came to strengthening the work of the NDIS Quality and Safeguarding Commission a number of reforms were needed.
David said these included simplifying registration, clear regulatory benefits, user-centred design, better use of data, and finishing the job of making the system truly national.
“A sensible approach would be a merger with the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission, which already shares many quality standards,” he said.
David also highlighted how important it was to get serious about separating SDA and SIL - not just different operators, but a full commercial separation, as well.
“Nobody should be afraid to leave a support provider they are unhappy with, or forced to choose a substandard service, because they are worried about losing their home,” he said.
Read InLife’s full submission here.