JODIE: I would say if you're a nurse and you're looking to make the switch into being a support worker, do it. It'll change your life. The skills that you have as a nurse are used every day in support work.
I am a qualified nurse. I've nursed for 20 years, and in the last two years I have moved away from nursing, theatre nursing and aged care nursing, to disability support.
Initially kind of took it on when I was still nursing as a bit of a part time like just a casual on the side. My husband and I moved to the northeast from Melbourne. We kind of had that whole tree change, life change.
I think I moved around in nursing a lot because I always liked a challenge and I have found disability support to be that challenge that I currently am enjoying a lot.
So I think the time that you get to spend with the clients and meeting their families, you get that one-on-one time with your clients. You get to see them through making their goals. Where you know, a lot of the time with nursing you don't get that pleasure at the end of caring for someone. This, you're seeing them through for their lives. Not only you get so happy for yourself, but for the client because their independence is so increased and, and that's what you want for them, to live their best independent life.
The work life balance, I mean, the ability to take on shifts when I want to take on shifts and not take on shifts when I need that time to myself, if we want to take a holiday.
Every day is different. Every shift is different. Every client is different. And it's really great. If you can work weekends, if you can't work weekends around sports activities and things. It is very, very adjustable to get into
I fell in love with the people and the company. InLife, I can honestly say, has probably been one of the most supportive employers I have ever worked for, especially during the COVID pandemic. The support provided from InLife, from all areas, from management down in Melbourne to the coordinators locally to other support workers. I can honestly say I’ve never felt more supported with any employer. Their systems are amazing. Rostering is such a breeze and I have met some great clients in the time. Getting to know them. Things that they like talking about the football, and the social outings I absolutely love.
So every shift is different. You walk in and you walk out changed every time.